الخميس، 28 فبراير 2013

what is PVC ceiling

 what is PVC ceiling ?

PVC ceilings or stretch ceilings are ceiling that made from two parts , the first is made from flexible PVC ,, this part may be reflective, brilliant or solid , it's the main part of the ceiling, the other part is made from solid PVC , that part is used for ceiling installation , and installation of lighting spots or accessories , and installation of the first part that made from flexible PVC

PVC ceiling or gypsum ceiling ?

PVC ceiling is a great alternative to gypsum ceilings and POP ceiling . it gives you more opportunities to decorate your ceiling 

PVC ceiling designs

you are going to see collection of PVC ceiling designs 

PVC ceilings for living room 

spiral PVC ceiling for living room
 the white part is made from solid PVC , the brilliant yellow part is made from flexible PVC

brown PVC ceiling design for living room

PVC ceiling for bedrooms 

PVC ceiling with lights for bedrooms

romance PVC ceiling for bedrooms
PVC ceiling gives you more opportunities tom decorate your ceiling , this ceiling is and example .

PVC ceiling for kitchens

green and yellow PVC ceiling for kitchen
black and white PVC ceiling with hidden lights for kitchen

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