الجمعة، 25 يوليو 2014

4 fashionable style of kitchen furniture

Which style of cuisine prefer to enjoy not only its design, but also own prudence? We offer four ideas fashionable classic,Scandinavian style,modern style,futuristic style

4 fashionable style of kitchen furniture

4 fashionable style of kitchen fashionable classic,Scandinavian style,modern style,futuristic style

Fashionable classic

Imperial scale and greatness. Natural colors and materials, solid panels, carving, gilding, rich finish - typical hallmarks of a classic style. The design of such furniture is not without architectural decoration: pilasters, cornices, curved profiles and carved panels. Classic kitchen furniture involves solid wood fronts and finishes under the patina (antikatura). Necessarily present stained glass. In a fashion - luxury, "imperial" style kitchen, he looks solid and even solemn, but urgently requires large rooms. Even an average-sized kitchen furniture will be just such a "crushed." Note that expensive wood, gilding, complex reliefs require painstaking care. In addition, it is important that other elements of the interior and "keeping it up": finish floor and ceiling used textiles must not yield to the luxury kitchen furniture.

4 fashionable style of kitchen furniture

4 fashionable style of kitchen furniture

4 fashionable style of kitchen furniture

Scandinavian style

Solidity and comfort. Want something simpler, but a natural and comfortable? In fashion eco Scandinavian style. Kitchen features a discreet rectangular facades. The furniture is made ​​from environmentally friendly materials: MDF, E1 class (low-formaldehyde), at least - made ​​of solid wood. Glass inserts upper cabinets are usually dull. For finishing dishes in Scandinavian style is mainly used natural veneer or colored enamel. Typically, this kitchen furniture is light, delicate cool tones.

Practical northern style anyone seem boring, but this style is suitable for small spaces and allows quite eclectic: you can bring to the interior lovely heart trinkets, and they fit into the overall pattern. The main thing - do not overload the space.

4 fashionable style of kitchen furniture

4 fashionable style of kitchen furniture

4 fashionable style of kitchen furniture

4 fashionable style of kitchen furniture

4 fashionable style of kitchen furniture

Modern style

Bright, functional. Modern style kitchen is suitable for those who appreciate the time and did not have a lot of space. Nothing more - even bases are used only when necessary to close the communication. Facades are usually devoid of any kitchen decor - no frames or profiles. As a finishing - plastic, laminate, PVC film. Frames for glass facades, handles, rails are usually made ​​of brushed aluminum profile. Restraint lines and poverty compensate decor bright colors - such kitchen furniture can be any color and even a few colors at once! Modern style for those who want the kitchen "more air", and thus does not like long cleaning and any pathos.

4 fashionable style of kitchen furniture

4 fashionable style of kitchen furniture

4 fashionable style of kitchen furniture

4 fashionable style of kitchen furniture

4 fashionable style of kitchen furniture

Futuristic style

Creative. If you want something unusual - bold lines and shapes, the original functional solutions - look at the futuristic design. The combination of wood, plastic, glass and metal, rounded and undulating facades, sliding doors of all shapes, wide-open wings countertops and clear glass cabinets, plus unexpected color combinations - all signs of the style "futurism." Choice for those who are not willing to tolerate routine, even
warming soup. Advantage and main disadvantage of this design furniture - in the absence of conventions. "Kitchen of the Future" can be constructed on a different area, but with the original decisions easily "go too far." To futuristic kitchen was fashionable, comfortable, and not gaudy kitsch-need delicate taste or skill guest designer.

4 fashionable style of kitchen furniture

4 fashionable style of kitchen furniture

4 fashionable style of kitchen furniture

4 fashionable style of kitchen furniture

4 fashionable style of kitchen furniture

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