الثلاثاء، 8 يوليو 2014

Great tips to create high-tech kitchen style

The best  tips to make high-tech kitchen style and how to make  style distinctive features ,furniture and appliances,advantages and disadvantages,and photo

If you are practical, modern, prefer brevity and innovative technology, then welcome to the world of design newfangled trends - high-tech. In this style, you can arrange any room of your home, including the kitchen. No. Especially the kitchen. After all, she really needs, given the rhythm of our life in the world of technological progress, in particular characteristics inherent exactly hi-tech.

Great tips to create high-tech kitchen style

 high-tech kitchen style distinctive features ,furniture and appliances,advantages and disadvantages,and photo

This trend in kitchen design can not be confused with another, because its main distinguishing features are:

  • rationality and convenience;
  • minimum of decorative elements;
  • external simplicity and internal complexity of devices and mechanisms;
  • crisp, straight lines;
  • use of the latest advances in technology;
  • ergonomics

Distinctive features of high-tech style in kitchen interior

Ultra-modern kitchen in high-tech style - it's stylish, comfortable room with lots of light and space. This characteristic is what sets it against the backdrop of classic interiors. This style is called many cold, but if the use of it in the bedroom or living room a bit alarming, the kitchen space is ideal in its concept. Consider the basic principles of kitchen interior in the style of hi-tech.

Great tips to create high-tech kitchen style

Nothing superfluous

    Everything must be very strict and logical. Every thing should bear functional significance. Desirable to select items without an abundance of figures and ornaments. But this does not mean that the interior would be dull and drab. High-tech does not deny the presence of strict kitchen vases, contemporary paintings, matching the direction of figurines, unusual furniture making and decorative stickers on vehicles or walls. But these elements of the decor should be a minimum. This style argues that it is better to spend money on the latest technical innovations than in regular trinkets.
    Basic forms - rectangular

      proportions observed with high accuracy. No complex geometric shapes and flowing lines. At the heart lie straight and level figures, which do not irritate the eyes, do not attract too much attention and are intended only for business, but not for decoration. Categorical and expressive details may be slightly reduced by the use of an appropriate color and overall style textiles.
      Tree - no! Yes, chrome live!

        Natural materials in the interior of the high-tech kitchen is not used. Mainly used acrylic, glass, plastic and metal. Surfaces should shine. Due to this, the room looks wider. You can also use an additional increase in space with the help of mirrors.

        All materials must be of very high quality, without contaminants. Otherwise they can be safe for humans. A metal filter with better anti-corrosion properties.

        "Cold" colors

          Colours are used quite predictable. Primary colors - white, black, gray, metallic. Additional colors - red, yellow, blue and others, combined with the foundation. And such colors should be observed everywhere: on the walls, ceiling, furniture and art. Including, and utensils flowered peas or not allowed. Color plates and cups plain better choice.
          More light!

            room in hi-tech style requires large windows or bright light devices. Therefore, the most commonly used additional lighting, several options for the illumination intensity of the room by a plurality of energy-saving lamps in the kitchen chandelier. One of the chips this style - it's the play of light on various metal surfaces. For this specific lighting directed toward those items on which emphasis.

            Windows should be decorated in a similar style manufacturability. It does not fit the usual tulle curtains. But Roman blinds or curtains will look very organic. In addition, they are quite practical that support the basic concept of the kitchen in high-tech style.

            Great tips to create high-tech kitchen style

            Kitchen furniture and appliances in the kitchen hi-tech

            The main distinguishing feature of furniture in the kitchen, "high-tech" - it saves space. All cabinets and shelves are constructed to accommodate all the utensils and small appliances. And she furniture and electrical appliances are very practical and stylish. Most often in this kitchen are present:

            • cabinets with drawers comfortable;
            • built-in appliances;
            • glass or metal table;
            • plastic chairs with colorful seats;
            • glass-ceramic surface, dishwasher, extractor fan.

            When constructing plastic furniture provided ironwork. Looks perfect in the kitchen hi-tech modular furniture trendy colors and with a variety of sections for different machines.

            Great tips to create high-tech kitchen style

            Advantages and disadvantages of high-tech kitchen

            The undeniable advantage of modern kitchen in high-tech style are:

            • durability, strength and fire resistance of the interior;
            • functionality even the smallest space;
            • the most convenient cooking and free movement in the kitchen;
            • perfect trendy view panels and devices with a touch of futurism;
            • ease of maintaining the cleanliness and sterility even;
            • "Built-in" intelligence space.

            As with any fashion direction for the kitchen, high-tech, there are some disadvantages:

            • excessive rigor and "dry";
            • considerable investment in creating the perfect interior;
            • a lot of work on the electrical connections (requires a large number of sockets and other transactions).

            The kitchen in the style of hi-tech - this spectacular union of comfort and minimalism with strict observance of the rules and clear lines. Such a room can become a source of pride of its owners, because it embodies all the most daring technical ideas and looks fashionable and expressive. This is one of the most rational and extremely convenient solutions in our modern world.

             photo kitchen in the style of hi-tech

            The photos show the various options and colors for interior decoration kitchen hi-tech, from small spaces and simple sets, to large spaces with the use of tables, islands.

            Great tips to create high-tech kitchen style

            Great tips to create high-tech kitchen style

            Great tips to create high-tech kitchen style

            Great tips to create high-tech kitchen style

            Great tips to create high-tech kitchen style

            Great tips to create high-tech kitchen style

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