الجمعة، 11 يوليو 2014

new tips to Living in oriental style

See how to make oriental style with top tips oriental style  in  the interior of a modern living room,Making your living room in oriental style,cultural values and Photo living room in oriental style

Truly relax and forget about their worries can only home in the cozy living room, in a circle of loved ones, drinking the conversation fragrant tea and leaning on cushions. When this is of great importance and the environment itself that surrounds you at the moment.

new tips to Living in oriental style

oriental style  in  the interior of a modern living room,Making your living room in oriental style,cultural values and Photo living room in oriental style

Just imagine: a soft, intimate light matte shades made of rice paper, bamboo blinds, pearl handles trimmed with velvet armchairs, golden patterns on the walls ... Well, is not it? And this is only part of the luxury that you can create in your living room with the help of oriental style.

Oriental flavor in the interior of a modern living room

Making a living in the eastern style exotic enough, but it contributes to the overall design of the house a certain flair. That is why this trend is becoming increasingly popular among decorators. Another interesting fact is that the eastern style - it is not a separate, narrow specificity, and mixing of several national flavor. In the eclectic East combined traditional views on the organization of the living space of the following crops:

  • Arab style splendor;
  • naturalness and "depth" of the Japanese;
  • Indian elegance;
  • Persian rich colors;
  • Contrast Chinese.
Of course, they are all quite different and difficult to match, but that does not mean that your oriental interior should appear as a chaos of all these cultures. Just select for yourself one of these areas, as a basis, and the rest of them gather the best quality and great ideas.

Making your living room in oriental style

There are a few "golden" rules of eastern design for living. With their help, you can get a relaxing, causing delight interior and turn your living room into a fabulous hall Persian sheikh or perhaps refined room Japanese geisha. Let's look at the basics of oriental style.

new tips to Living in oriental style

Warm and bright colors

In the design of "Oriental" lounge used deep, expressive colors, but only from natural and natural palette. Shades should be warm and rich, such as:

  • honey, caramel, gold;
  • all shades of red;
  • brown, terra cotta, ocher;
  • orange, peach;
  • purple, fuchsia, magenta;
  • izumrudnыy , Aquamarine, Turquoise, blue.
Exotic decoration

A living wall will look chic if you use screen printing. These wallpapers added interior comfort and make it more warm and rich. Modern industry produces stunningly beautiful colors of this "Silk" cover with whimsical patterns and drawings. Another option walls - is painting them into a warm and pleasant eye color. You can also make one of the walls brighter than the rest. This is a very "Chinese" - and contrast beautifully.

Ceilings should be domed or with smooth transitions in the form of original designs of plasterboard. These trims can be decorated with paintings, inlaid wood, tile or stone, as well as many small fixtures.

new tips to Living in oriental style

Naturally, the floors should be made only from natural materials. The most commonly used flooring, but the oriental style living room is perfect and ceramic tiles. And the patterns on it can be in the form of Arabic or Persian patterns. She looks good and cork. Its simplicity and naturalness in perfect harmony with the Chinese or Japanese interior.

Traditional oriental furniture

Since we are talking about a living, you should think about it upholstered furniture. In the eastern style it should be either squat and very modest or luxurious and richly strewn bolsters and pillows. Upholstery fabric of chairs and sofas are usually chosen saturated monochrome or decorated with intricate patterns, gold thread and beads.

Also for the "Eastern" living room is to purchase the following items:

  • Puffs and various dwarf stools;
  • carved coffee table in the shape of a circle or polygon;
  • hanging lockers coupe painted;
  • open shelves with carved and inlaid;
  • fireplace with wrought iron bars;
  • table for tea parties with cushions on the floor.

Style decor cultural values ​​of the East

Culture of the Eastern countries are very rich, so it is impossible to name all the decorative elements that can make your living room more of their everyday color. But we will try to list the most interesting and spectacular accessories. These include:

new tips to Living in oriental style
  • carved boxes and chests of wood and stone;
  • bright textiles as silk curtains, embroidered pillows, mats, blankets and other items;
  • lamps in the shape of Chinese lanterns, wrought iron chandeliers and sconces;
  • figurines made of bone, bronze, wood and stone;
  • panels and paintings of tapestry;
  • ample meal with fruit;
  • tea or coffee sets in Turkish or Chinese style;
  • beaded curtains, stones and wooden beads;
  • pitchers, vases and hookahs.

Of course, you need to carefully select this decor, do not overdo it and properly combined with each other. Try to stick to a selected basis, without mixing with Arab Asian accessories. For example, a Buddha statue will look a little strange next to the hookah. Will be much more appropriate place near a lamp with an aromatic oil.

Adhering to these simple rules of design living room in oriental style, you get a stunningly beautiful room where the atmosphere will have a good rest either alone or in a noisy company. This interior makes me feel free and natural, and watch nirvana helps to understand its internal state. Your living room will be the territory of relaxation and comfort, as well as an excellent occasion for well-founded pride.

Photo living room in oriental style

"Oriental" living - is some special, quite different from our usual type of interior design. Despite its brightness, it does not irritate and does not cause aggression. And when one looks these pictures living in the eastern style, they provoke only one wish - soon find yourself in this stunning and incredibly cozy little world.

new tips to Living in oriental style

new tips to Living in oriental style

new tips to Living in oriental style

new tips to Living in oriental style

new tips to Living in oriental style

new tips to Living in oriental style

new tips to Living in oriental style

new tips to Living in oriental style

new tips to Living in oriental style

new tips to Living in oriental style

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