الأحد، 13 يوليو 2014

Pacifying small is beautiful: features Japanese style in interior

The easiest and simplest ways to make your home-style Japanese,Paul,Wall,Ceiling,Furniture ,Lighting - soft, diffused,Curtains,Decor and accessories with special meaning

Ancient and exotic Japanese style in tune incredibly modern thanks to its laconic and natural simplicity.

Pacifying small is beautiful: features Japanese style in interior

style Japanese,Paul,Wall,Ceiling,Furniture - all unnecessary ugly,Lighting - soft, diffused,Curtains,Decor and accessories with special meaning

Delicate balance that is created in these interiors, is indispensable for people with a craving for reflection, contemplation and enlightenment. Due to the difficult climatic conditions and a high probability of natural disasters in Japan architecture is simplified, and simple interior. Japanese alien excess accessories and furniture, but every item that is in the house, full of meaning and rightfully takes its place.

Features Japanese style in interior design

  • Focusing on the inner world.
  • Natural simplicity.
  • Minimum objects the maximum free space.
  • Concise form, refined lines.
  • Versatility - style suitable for large and small-sized housing.
  • Consonance with nature, at least art.
  • Preference wooden stone materials.
  • Lack of bright colors.
  • Tatami mat.
  • Partitions made of rice paper, the lattice of reeds.
  • Wooden sliding doors.
  • Squat, original furniture.
Pacifying small is beautiful: features Japanese style in interior

Pacifying small is beautiful: features Japanese style in interior


The most commonly used materials - is cedar, maple, rice paper, bamboo, wicker vine and stone. Often placed on the floor mats (tatami).

Paul. Wooden flooring used in the kitchen and the hallway, in other rooms in a special way laid the mat. Meaning stacking is to avoid the grating: it is believed that it brings home woes.

Adapted from Japanese sex:

  • light wood - parquet flooring;
  • screed;
  • matting;
  • rattan;
  • bamboo;
  • river pebbles.
Carpets create additional comfort - purchase products made of cotton or wool, approximate in color to the floor.

Wall. Silk, smooth surface in neutral shades, Employee background for decor, prints and decorative panels. Looks spectacular contrasting trim textured areas of stone, wood or wallpaper. If the walls are uneven, then hide it help roll coating of wood veneer, rice paper, cork or their imitations.

Ceiling. Often walls go to the ceiling, which repeats their coloring. Geometric basis of the ceiling - a square or rectangle. The decoration of the most commonly used wood, fabric, at least - the paper. Tension and suspension structures do not contradict the Japanese style. Help decorate the ceiling in the form of drawing reproductions of watercolors in unsaturated colors.

Pacifying small is beautiful: features Japanese style in interior

Pacifying small is beautiful: features Japanese style in interior

Furniture - all unnecessary ugly

In Japan, often costing almost complete lack of furniture that people in our country too exotic and uncomfortable. In general, the interior design is created for a seated person, so low understated furniture fit optimally.

To recreate in the imagination of Japanese furniture, it is necessary to deprive mentally legs Europeans familiar design. Japanese prefer to squat, lower forms that take time getting used to our rights.

Traditional furniture called Tansu. This is a rather broad concept, which includes the original drawers on wheels, trunks used as chairs, stairs, cabinets, which are roomy drawers for storage. This furniture is robust and mobile. Japanese Tansu replaces open shelves, closets and wall hide from the eyes of all superfluous.

Japanese cabinets have accessories, decor and lack of figures, their facades are smooth. Dining tables broad and low, sitting behind them relies on the mat, woven circles or pillows. The bed is always the center of the room. It may look like a tatami or mattress thrown on the floor, and can be quite a modern design with a headboard, but not necessarily close to the floor and does not have legs.

In the wall, almost always created likeness altar - tokonoma, which is a niche. Tokonoma serves accent the interior and storage space for a wonderful and valuable articles for visual enjoyment. Exposure may vary depending on changes in the life of the owner or the occurrence of events.

Pacifying small is beautiful: features Japanese style in interior

Pacifying small is beautiful: features Japanese style in interior

Pacifying small is beautiful: features Japanese style in interior

Lighting - soft, diffused

Light should not be too small, but the lighting is "in the operating room" is also not suitable. Avoid active lighting from the ceiling. Optimal solution - diffused without straining your eyes light that visually expands the space. Help achieve this effect lampshades made of rice paper.

Today popular Japanese lamps, consisting of a metal base and paper lampshade. They are a sort of topical Japanese Akari lamps created in the last century. They are made of rice paper and bamboo, and the main purpose - to create a frosted light, emphasizing the gloom. In this atmosphere, it is easier to unwind and indulge in speculation.

Instead of electrical light sources can be used natural, e.g., decorative candles. They need to place accents, focusing on recreation area.


The principle of minimalism, lack all superfluous support Japanese-style curtains. Ruffles and pleats are unacceptable, you must adhere to strict forms. Material for curtain fabrics are mostly natural fabrics: silk, linen, cotton. Curtains themselves have the form of equal size cuts matter, which is positioned around the window opening. For many, they are more commonly known as screen curtains, as it does cope with the tasks assigned to them: limit sunlight penetration and safeguard against prying eyes.

Level position curtains on the window provides rigid insert, fixed at the bottom of the web. Unlike Roman blinds, Japanese can not go up, but only move in the right direction. If you allow the density of the material used, these curtains can zonirovat room or framing doorways.

Color design curtains usually resonates with other objects and decoration: milk, beige, white. If desired, allowed to use the ornament, but it should not be too much.

Pacifying small is beautiful: features Japanese style in interior

Decor and accessories with special meaning

Give the interior the national colors and accents items that are typical of the rising sun.

  • Screens, drapes and bedspreads with hieroglyphs.
  • Utensils for the tea ceremony.
  • Porcelain vases.
  • Scroll to the aphorism or painting.
  • Miniature netsuke.
  • Boxes with lacquered finish.
  • Round or square Japanese lanterns.
  • Fish dishes for snacks.
  • Bamboo rugs and mats.
  • Bonsai, ikebana.
  • Interior dolls in kimono.
  • Silk paintings.
  • Buddha figurine.
  • Tokonoma.
  • Origami.
  • Engravings and fans.
An important caveat should hang on the wall, only one picture tokonoma accommodates only one subject, because several things distracting.

Japan today is radically different from its traditional form in the past, but the basic concepts used by the Japanese housing arrangement now. In order to create in your home interior, similar to the Japanese do not need to completely copy and reproduce its ethnic elements. Enough to be guided by the general principles of minimalism, strive for unity with nature and inner harmony.

Pacifying small is beautiful: features Japanese style in interior

Pacifying small is beautiful: features Japanese style in interior

Pacifying small is beautiful: features Japanese style in interior

Pacifying small is beautiful: features Japanese style in interior

Pacifying small is beautiful: features Japanese style in interior

Pacifying small is beautiful: features Japanese style in interior

Pacifying small is beautiful: features Japanese style in interior

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