الاثنين، 18 أغسطس 2014

Basic steps to repair ceiling

How To repair and Installation ceiling and  repair  system and tips on how to reform and Photos

Basic steps to repair ceiling

Suspended ceilings are already familiar to us.They can be found in many areas of commercial, public and industrial type. They are also used in new buildings and renovation of old buildings.

 Repair Ceiling system

It consists of the carrier profile for false ceiling and decorative panels. Frame usually takes the form of the lattice, which is attached to the carrier profile with special hangers. After that, the frame mounted ceiling decorative tiles. They usually have the same shape.

Basic steps to repair ceiling

Basic steps to repair ceiling

Basic steps to repair ceiling

Basic steps to repair ceiling

Ceilings - practical. Place them where there is a need to hide the engineering systems that extend to the ceiling, but at the same time to provide easy access to them. Also in suspended ceilings can be easily mounted lighting system, ventilation and fire suppression systems.

Repair false ceiling can be performed by replacing the suspension modules and not to dismantle the frame itself. This is another one of their important plus. Furthermore, by setting such a ceiling, it is possible to hide any irregularities in the ceiling, which can not be hidden by the other, as well as making the ceiling in multiple layers.

Basic steps to repair ceiling

Basic steps to repair ceiling

Basic steps to repair ceiling

Basic steps to repair ceiling

Distinguish false ceilings can be the material of construction of the revetment, in shape and size, as well as a method of joining them.

The panels can be:

  • • mineral fiber 
  • • Metal 
  • • Plastic 
  • • Wood 
  • • Gypsum

Ceiling panels by their shape can be divided into six groups:

  • • Panel 
  • • Tile 
  • • Rack and pinion 
  • • Mesh 
  • • Lattice 
  • • Cassette

Most often, the panel may be rectangular or square shape. Also produced and curved overhead panel. Use them for a smooth transition between multiple levels of suspended ceiling.

Repair and Installation ceiling

Install suspension system is made in the case, when the room is fully completed other finishing work. It has evaporated and free from dirt and dust.

Basic steps to repair ceiling

Basic steps to repair ceiling

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