الثلاثاء، 26 أغسطس 2014

Latest trend for Oriental style interior

How to make oriental style Arabic interior design,Asian interior design,Luxurious furniture in oriental style and ideas for Oriental style

Oriental style interior design,Oriental style interior,interior design in Oriental style, Oriental style ideas,Oriental style homes

Latest trend for oriental style interior,Oriental interior design,Oriental style ideas,Oriental style homes

One of the most vivid, rich, exotic and popular styles is an oriental style. This style is quite popular today because of the contrast of oriental architecture and design with the locals.
Under the concept of oriental style in the interior refer to the two directions - Arabic and Asian. These two areas differ in the atmosphere that they create materials that are used, they are just different in nature and character.

Arabic interior design for oriental style

Arabic style exhibits the beauty in detail, these interiors are no repetitive elements, smooth surfaces and straight lines. Arab style is characterized by vaulted ceilings, bright colors in the interior, the play of light and be sure to lace thread. An important role in the interior regains textiles - curtains, wall hangings, upholstered furniture, pillows and all that bright, but warm colors that plunged into the atmosphere of peace and languid relaxed state. Arab areas characterized by heavy wooden furniture, which can also be decorated with lace thread. The decor of the many items created by hand, such as carpets, ceramics, mosaic and so on. D.
Arab interiors are often decorated with a variety of hookahs, collections of weapons, incense burners incense inlaid backgammon board and chess, and so on. D. Variety of shapes, forms and decoration lighting strike.

Latest trend for oriental style interior,Oriental interior design,Oriental style ideas,Oriental style homes

Latest trend for oriental style interior,Oriental interior design,Oriental style ideas,Oriental style homes

Latest trend for oriental style interior,Oriental interior design,Oriental style ideas,Oriental style homes

Asian interior design for oriental style  

Certain counterbalance to the Arab style is Asian style in Chinese and Japanese manifestation. It can be called the first manifestation of Eastern minimalism. For these interiors are characterized by natural restrained colors (brown, milky, white, beige), encouraged freedom of space, respectively, the minimum load of interior household items, decorative elements.
Chinese direction is characterized by the placement of each object in a room in his place in accordance with the teachings of Feng Shui, the space is characterized by harmony.
However, the design of apartments in the Chinese style does not avoid bright colors, which makes it different from the Japanese. The interior is often seen focus on a yellow, red, blue color, and so on. D.

Latest trend for oriental style interior,Oriental interior design,Oriental style ideas,Oriental style homes

Latest trend for oriental style interior,Oriental interior design,Oriental style ideas,Oriental style homes

Latest trend for oriental style interior,Oriental interior design,Oriental style ideas,Oriental style homes

Luxurious furniture in oriental style for oriental style

Furniture in the eastern interior is low, dark wood. Such furniture can blend in with any interior, bringing its own flavor.
Traditionally oriental furnishings considered busabak (cabinet-dresser), a large bed with a canopy, massive tables, low sofas, massive cabinets, chests and so on. D. Sofas, beds and even the tables are traditionally decorated with pillows in different sizes, but not excessively.
In the Asian manifestation characterized by the presence of furniture is not so, as its absence or some of its replacement. For example, in Japanese interior mats and national mattress successfully replace the bed, and in the manifestation of the Thai oriental style, on the contrary, the bed takes up almost the entire space of the bedroom. For the Asian interior is characterized by low lakovannye tables, screens, and so on. D. Japanese furniture is characterized many features as a core value in the interior space can be considered.
In the Chinese manifestation of oriental style furniture is characterized by birch, mahogany, oak, and so on. G., Indian Academy - walnut wood furniture, bamboo, cane, teak, glass and metal, and so on. D.

Latest trend for oriental style interior,Oriental interior design,Oriental style ideas,Oriental style homes

Latest trend for oriental style interior,Oriental interior design,Oriental style ideas,Oriental style homes

Latest trend for oriental style interior,Oriental interior design,Oriental style ideas,Oriental style homes

Design of apartments in east style

Design of apartments and houses in the oriental style is recommended to make the people who love and can maintain perfect order in the room. There should be nothing superfluous, all things must be hidden from the 

Latest trend for oriental style interior,Oriental interior design,Oriental style ideas,Oriental style homes

Latest trend for oriental style interior,Oriental interior design,Oriental style ideas,Oriental style homes

Latest trend for oriental style interior,Oriental interior design,Oriental style ideas,Oriental style homes

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