الثلاثاء، 2 سبتمبر 2014

Great tips for Curtains in Empire style

10 of best Curtains Empire and how to make Empire style with top tips

Curtains in the Empire style,Curtains Empire designs,Curtains Empire ideas,Curtains Empire colors

Great tips for Curtains in the Empire style,Curtains Empire designs,Curtains Empire ideas,Curtains Empire colors

Luxury curtains in the style empire are classic imperial style, became all the rage since the days of ancient Rome and Napoleonic France. Fabrics for curtains are chosen such rich, patterned, saturated colors. Design of curtains in the Empire style involves symmetry, the presence of deep flowing draperies, pelmet. As a finishing used fringe , satin ribbons, tassels and tiebacks.

In the interior, in the Empire style is usually a lot of eye-catching, gold-plated elements: heraldry, patinated furniture with elaborate details. Best of all this design looks in spacious rooms with high ceilings.

Curtains in the Empire style

Empire style originated during the reign of Napoleon in France, which gave the romance and poetry of everyday life fraztsuzskom aristocracy.

Great tips for Curtains in the Empire style,Curtains Empire designs,Curtains Empire ideas,Curtains Empire colors

Great tips for Curtains in the Empire style,Curtains Empire designs,Curtains Empire ideas,Curtains Empire colors

The heyday of the Empire style is the coronation of Napoleon, hence the name. Empire - a lush scenery, shine and light rooms, lightweight fabric of silk and tulle. It should be noted that the "imperial style" served faithfully and the bourgeoisie and the palace. Torch and banners, swords and laurel wreaths, other military paraphernalia so much part of everyday life, it is reflected in the design of curtains. Special forms of tips cornices, monograms and monographs on luxury velvet or silk fabrics, fringe trim and gold - all of it aired, and emphasized the militant and pompous spirit of that time, the spirit of the empire. Empire - a military parade and luxury.

Squat, heavy elements of the interior - this is what distinguishes the Empire style, in addition to the perfect symmetry and grandeur. Upholstered furniture is low, with soft and wide cushions. In choosing the material is preferred to the traditional, expensive refined. In the manufacture of furniture, for example, use mahogany and ebony, chestnut. In sufficient quantities are present in the Empire style made ​​of silver, copper, and even gold. 

Great tips for Curtains in the Empire style,Curtains Empire designs,Curtains Empire ideas,Curtains Empire colors

Great tips for Curtains in the Empire style,Curtains Empire designs,Curtains Empire ideas,Curtains Empire colors

existence of diverse chandeliers, gold leaf, is the hallmark of the Empire style. Chandeliers come in electric and traditional candle. They are located on the tables, on the floor, and even mounted on the ceiling.

The windows in the Empire style decorated with light curtains of tulle or silk. Curtains Empire represented a pelmet with fringe as festoon side webs of the same material on the sides of sharp-angled folds. Fabric covered half of the window, drapery decorated with ribbons of tulle or silk. Great addition draperies Empire were collected at the bottom of the curtains of tulle.

Great tips for Curtains in the Empire style,Curtains Empire designs,Curtains Empire ideas,Curtains Empire colors

Great tips for Curtains in the Empire style,Curtains Empire designs,Curtains Empire ideas,Curtains Empire colors

Curtains in the Empire style attached to the eaves, made of mahogany and decorated with ornaments strict. They are distinguished by clean lines, the relevance of every detail and strict symmetry forms. Empire-style interior - is peace and order throughout. Sophisticated detailing the interior, where each element is in its place, creating the integrity of interior composition, created an accurate and rigorous calculation.

Particular attention is given to the tissues of the Empire style, they not only serve as decoration of windows, fabrics drape or delayed walls, furniture. Fabrics are presented in the form of high canopy over the bed and sleeping in the rich decoration of furniture.

The company "City curtains" offers a wide selection of different shades, including curtains Empire, which can be bought in five stores in Moscow, that belong to the company. The company also has its own team of tailors and craftsmen, which is ready to fulfill every desire of the client. All items are sewn from high quality fabrics best producers in Europe.

Empire style - a style of people who appreciate the comfort and warmth of your own home is more than a noisy and cheerful company.

Great tips for Curtains in the Empire style,Curtains Empire designs,Curtains Empire ideas,Curtains Empire colors

Great tips for Curtains in the Empire style,Curtains Empire designs,Curtains Empire ideas,Curtains Empire colors

Great tips for Curtains in the Empire style,Curtains Empire designs,Curtains Empire ideas,Curtains Empire colors

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