الأربعاء، 10 سبتمبر 2014

New ideas for bathroom in country style

The best tips for bathroom in country style,accessories,a wash basin,plumbing,colorful curtains,towels,lighting and the best photos bathroom for country style

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New ideas for bathroom in country style,bathroom country style,bathroom in country style, bathroom designs for country style,bathroom accessories in country style, country style bathroom tiles,country style bathroom sets
country style bathroom -  bathroom white and blue 

After a hard day everyone wants to get to a place where you can recuperate and relax.
That place can be a country style bathroom. 

Plumbing is also best suited vintage, for example, made of brass. Well, if the tub will have graceful legs and mixers will be on copper, bronze or stainless steel. Incidentally, the use of the ball is highly undesirable, only valve characteristic early twentieth century.

New ideas for bathroom in country style,bathroom country style,bathroom in country style, bathroom designs for country style,bathroom accessories in country style, country style bathroom tiles,country style bathroom sets
country style bathroom -  bathroom Purple

New ideas for bathroom in country style,bathroom country style,bathroom in country style, bathroom designs for country style,bathroom accessories in country style, country style bathroom tiles,country style bathroom sets
country style bathroom -  bathroom beige 

A wash basin in general can put clay. I must say that plumbing country echoes the style of Provence. Will look elegant country-style wooden bath-like tubs for bathing, which were at the villagers, though, they are very cheap. However, it is always possible to make an imitation of such a bath, if conventional laterally cover boards pretreated with protective means against moisture.

New ideas for bathroom in country style,bathroom country style,bathroom in country style, bathroom designs for country style,bathroom accessories in country style, country style bathroom tiles,country style bathroom sets
country style bathroom - Wooden bathroom 

New ideas for bathroom in country style,bathroom country style,bathroom in country style, bathroom designs for country style,bathroom accessories in country style, country style bathroom tiles,country style bathroom sets
country style bathroom - Wooden bathroom 

Accessories - an important element of

Accessories in country style must be present, because they play a very important role in interior design. It should be noted that the characteristics of this style create a huge, just unlimited space for the flight of your imagination. But do not forget that this style does not imply emphasis on small details, and therefore any bright thing will look like a ridiculous mottled spot. To avoid this effect should not be used saturated colors. It is important to be able to convey the big picture, making no accents.

New ideas for bathroom in country style,bathroom country style,bathroom in country style, bathroom designs for country style,bathroom accessories in country style, country style bathroom tiles,country style bathroom sets
country style bathroom -  accessories colored

As for accessories, it can be hung in a prominent position wafer or embroidered towels, all sorts of things out of wood, wicker items, open shelves with boxes and bottles - anything.

New ideas for bathroom in country style,bathroom country style,bathroom in country style, bathroom designs for country style,bathroom accessories in country style, country style bathroom tiles,country style bathroom sets
country style bathroom -  bathroom Purple and white

New ideas for bathroom in country style,bathroom country style,bathroom in country style, bathroom designs for country style,bathroom accessories in country style, country style bathroom tiles,country style bathroom sets
country style bathroom - Wooden bathroom 

Also, do not forget the colorful curtains - an essential attribute of country style, of course, if the bathroom has a window. Curtains should be linen or calico. In addition, textile bags are appropriate for storing linen and wall pockets for small items, made ​​of coarse cloth. In addition, the fabric is sometimes done "skirt", located under the wash basin. On the walls you can put a picture in wooden frame with a picture of ordinary landscapes. 
Apart from all the above, such a wonderful complement the interior colors, for example, in pots or vases and jugs.

New ideas for bathroom in country style,bathroom country style,bathroom in country style, bathroom designs for country style,bathroom accessories in country style, country style bathroom tiles,country style bathroom sets
country style bathroom -  bathroom Purple and white

New ideas for bathroom in country style,bathroom country style,bathroom in country style, bathroom designs for country style,bathroom accessories in country style, country style bathroom tiles,country style bathroom sets
country style bathroom -  bathroom white and blue 

New ideas for bathroom in country style,bathroom country style,bathroom in country style, bathroom designs for country style,bathroom accessories in country style, country style bathroom tiles,country style bathroom sets
country style bathroom -  bathroom white and blue 

Of lighting fixtures are the most suitable type of the old chandelier and lamp oil. In other words, you should avoid all trendy and modern, as well as completely unnecessary to be a fluorescent light and containing an inert gas. Excellent will look lamps with shades or hanging with the appearance, reminiscent of wrought iron or wood inserts.

New ideas for bathroom in country style,bathroom country style,bathroom in country style, bathroom designs for country style,bathroom accessories in country style, country style bathroom tiles,country style bathroom sets
country style bathroom -  bathroom beige and blue 

New ideas for bathroom in country style,bathroom country style,bathroom in country style, bathroom designs for country style,bathroom accessories in country style, country style bathroom tiles,country style bathroom sets
country style bathroom -  bathroom beige and brown

New ideas for bathroom in country style,bathroom country style,bathroom in country style, bathroom designs for country style,bathroom accessories in country style, country style bathroom tiles,country style bathroom sets
country style bathroom -  bathroom beige 

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