الأحد، 28 سبتمبر 2014

New trends for Scandinavian style in stylish home 2015

How to create Scandinavian style,5 tips for Scandinavian style, ideas,furniture,designs,decor and Photos for Scandinavian style in stylish home

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New trends for Scandinavian style in stylish home 2015,Scandinavian style furniture,Scandinavian style bedroom ,Scandinavian style living room ,ideas for Scandinavian style,Scandinavian style designs
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Scandinavian style - it's light, bright colors, good mood and purity. Clean lines, shapes, colors, pokryti.Neobychnye popular today, he came to us from Northern Europe. Finland, Norway and Sweden - the country, which is quite a harsh climate, long winters and sunlight is not as much as we would like. That is why the interiors come from those edges just pyshat freedom, air, light.

Admire the interiors in a Scandinavian style you can and without my presence - the benefit of such information on the Internet - huge deposits. But to collect a bunch of all the features and try to identify the main thing - it's very important if you decide to recreate the interior of his home in Scandinavia.

So what are the basic principles necessary to remember and observe the interior to become a truly "Scandinavian"?

1: The maximum keep sunlight.

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Scandinavian style,living room in Scandinavian style, comfortable sofa in Scandinavian style

Therefore, on the windows - the minimum decor. Blinds and curtains can not be at all, or they are made ​​of lightweight, non-intrusive material and very often shifted to the side of the window, to let as much sunlight

2 Wall color - preferably white or very light.

Again, due to the desire to make the room bright and airy.

New trends for Scandinavian style in stylish home 2015,Scandinavian style furniture,Scandinavian style bedroom ,Scandinavian style living room ,ideas for Scandinavian style,Scandinavian style designs
Scandinavian style,living room in Scandinavian style,white wall in Scandinavian style

3 Materials mostly natural. Probably the most popular and widely used - wood.

Tree Scandinavians love. It is welcome everywhere - on the floor, on the walls, even the ceiling. Wood furniture, table tops - made ​​of birch, beech, oak. 
Processing tree - either minimum or painting. In any event, supported by the desire for naturalness and simplicity.

New trends for Scandinavian style in stylish home 2015,Scandinavian style furniture,Scandinavian style bedroom ,Scandinavian style living room ,ideas for Scandinavian style,Scandinavian style designs
Scandinavian style,living room in Scandinavian style,window in Scandinavian style

4 Bright spots of color.

Bright accents - another highlight of the Scandinavian interiors. 
Bright pillows , blankets, carpets , kitchen apron, cheerful crimson chair, different color upholstery on the chairs, colored lampshades . 

New trends for Scandinavian style in stylish home 2015,Scandinavian style furniture,Scandinavian style bedroom ,Scandinavian style living room ,ideas for Scandinavian style,Scandinavian style designs
Scandinavian style,ideas for Scandinavian style

5.High "usability" of the interior.

Scandinavian interiors highly adapted for living. They are real, natural. With an abundance of so necessary in everyday life of storage space (enclosed in cabinets, shelves and hidden niches) and a variety of decorations and items on open shelves.

New trends for Scandinavian style in stylish home 2015,Scandinavian style furniture,Scandinavian style bedroom ,Scandinavian style living room ,ideas for Scandinavian style,Scandinavian style designs
Scandinavian style,accessories for Scandinavian style

Photos for Scandinavian style in stylish home

New trends for Scandinavian style in stylish home 2015,Scandinavian style furniture,Scandinavian style bedroom ,Scandinavian style living room ,ideas for Scandinavian style,Scandinavian style designs
Scandinavian style,living room in Scandinavian style,table made ​​of wood in Scandinavian style

New trends for Scandinavian style in stylish home 2015,Scandinavian style furniture,Scandinavian style bedroom ,Scandinavian style living room ,ideas for Scandinavian style,Scandinavian style designs
Scandinavian style,bedroom in Scandinavian style,windows in Scandinavian style

New trends for Scandinavian style in stylish home 2015,Scandinavian style furniture,Scandinavian style bedroom ,Scandinavian style living room ,ideas for Scandinavian style,Scandinavian style designs
Scandinavian style,living room in Scandinavian style,wall Scandinavian style 

New trends for Scandinavian style in stylish home 2015,Scandinavian style furniture,Scandinavian style bedroom ,Scandinavian style living room ,ideas for Scandinavian style,Scandinavian style designs
Scandinavian style, dining table in Scandinavian style, windows for Scandinavian style

New trends for Scandinavian style in stylish home 2015,Scandinavian style furniture,Scandinavian style bedroom ,Scandinavian style living room ,ideas for Scandinavian style,Scandinavian style designs
Scandinavian style,living room in Scandinavian style,Flooring  made ​​of wood in Scandinavian style

New trends for Scandinavian style in stylish home 2015

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