الأربعاء، 10 سبتمبر 2014

The best design for bedroom in the English style

12 of best bedroom for English style and how to make bedroom for English style with top tips of bedroom for English style in home,floral prints,cell,walls in the bedroom in the English style,fireplace,furnishing,bedroom decor in the English style.

English style for bedroom,bedroom for English style,English style bedroom furniture,English style bedroom decorating ideas,English style ideas for bedroom  ,English style designs for bedroom .

The best design for bedroom in the English style,English style for bedroom,bedroom for English style,English style bedroom furniture,English style ideas for bedroom  ,English style designs for bedroom .
English style for bedroom

English style - the concept is very conditional. So it is possible to characterize and European colonial-style interiors and furniture of Victorian spirit, and themed decor with traditional British attributes. Probably everyone talking about the English style, implies something of their own, tightly associated with this country.

However, we can note the general features typical of interior British traditions. These features we will look in the room to sleep. What is it - a bedroom in the English style? Firstly, prim, that is deliberately traditional, conservative, vintage. Secondly, eclectic. Third, very feminine. What other details help bring in bedroom interior British motives?

1 Floral prints

This is one of the striking features of the English style! The British are very fond of flowers, especially roses. Flower may be the walls and curtains, and upholstery of chairs, and the bedspreads and pillows, and carpet on the floor.

The best design for bedroom in the English style,English style for bedroom,bedroom for English style,English style bedroom furniture,English style ideas for bedroom  ,English style designs for bedroom .
English style for bedroom

The best design for bedroom in the English style,English style for bedroom,bedroom for English style,English style bedroom furniture,English style ideas for bedroom  ,English style designs for bedroom .
English style for bedroom

The best design for bedroom in the English style,English style for bedroom,bedroom for English style,English style bedroom furniture,English style ideas for bedroom  ,English style designs for bedroom .
English style for bedroom

2 Cell

Trite but true: English often involve the interior plaid (pattern "tartan"). It is very bright, symbolic feature that highlights the geographic component of the interior.

The best design for bedroom in the English style,English style for bedroom,bedroom for English style,English style bedroom furniture,English style ideas for bedroom  ,English style designs for bedroom .
English style for bedroom

The best design for bedroom in the English style,English style for bedroom,bedroom for English style,English style bedroom furniture,English style ideas for bedroom  ,English style designs for bedroom .
English style for bedroom

The best design for bedroom in the English style,English style for bedroom,bedroom for English style,English style bedroom furniture,English style ideas for bedroom  ,English style designs for bedroom .
English style for bedroom

3 walls in the bedroom in the English style

Painted plain wall - is not really in English. Wallpaper or fabric - that really fits.

The best design for bedroom in the English style,English style for bedroom,bedroom for English style,English style bedroom furniture,English style ideas for bedroom  ,English style designs for bedroom .
English style for bedroom

The best design for bedroom in the English style,English style for bedroom,bedroom for English style,English style bedroom furniture,English style ideas for bedroom  ,English style designs for bedroom .
English style for bedroom

4 Fireplace
What English bedroom without a fireplace? In the current situation it may be a gas, electric, or so-called "fake" fireplace - the main thing that it was. After all, without the fire difficult to create the intimate atmosphere of tradition, for which we are so fond of the English style.

The best design for bedroom in the English style,English style for bedroom,bedroom for English style,English style bedroom furniture,English style ideas for bedroom  ,English style designs for bedroom .
English style for bedroom

5 Furnishing

Bed in the bedroom in the English style is quite high. Height may be achieved not frame and legs beds and feather beds. Yes, the British are experts in soft sleep.

The best design for bedroom in the English style,English style for bedroom,bedroom for English style,English style bedroom furniture,English style ideas for bedroom  ,English style designs for bedroom .
English style for bedroom

6 bedroom decor in the English style

Blank walls do not like the English. Bedroom carefully decorated with paintings - usually with a classic story line.
Shelves and shelves of books, too, are quite common. The English have a tradition of reading in bed.

The best design for bedroom in the English style,English style for bedroom,bedroom for English style,English style bedroom furniture,English style ideas for bedroom  ,English style designs for bedroom .
English style for bedroom

The best design for bedroom in the English style,English style for bedroom,bedroom for English style,English style bedroom furniture,English style ideas for bedroom  ,English style designs for bedroom .
English style for bedroom

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