الخميس، 4 سبتمبر 2014

New trends for false ceiling in the kitchen

How to create false ceiling in kitchen ,top tips for stylish kitchen,what is better to do a false ceiling in the kitchen,rack and pinion and cassette ceilings,plasterboard ceilings,multilevel ceilings,design of false ceilings and zoning kitchen

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New trends for false ceiling in the kitchen,false ceiling in kitchen,ideas false ceiling in  kitchen , designs for false ceiling in  kitchen,false ceiling designs in kitchen

What is better to do a false ceiling in the kitchen?

Now let's talk about the materials. In commercially available ceiling tiles from the solid mineral fiber doped with cellulose. This plate has an extra rigidity through the use of additives. However, rigid boards are not safe from dents and damage (although under normal conditions of your ceiling in the kitchen is unlikely to be affected by a direct blow something heavy). Plates of compressed glass wool are less susceptible to deformation due to its flexibility and ease.

New trends for false ceiling in the kitchen,false ceiling in kitchen,ideas false ceiling in  kitchen , designs for false ceiling in  kitchen,false ceiling designs in kitchen

New trends for false ceiling in the kitchen,false ceiling in kitchen,ideas false ceiling in  kitchen , designs for false ceiling in  kitchen,false ceiling designs in kitchen

Rack and pinion and cassette ceilings

The most appropriate option for the kitchen are considered rack or cassette ceilings. And rails, and cassettes for such ceilings have a special coating, which significantly extends the battery life, while maintaining the pristine appearance. Steel and aluminum suspended ceilings do not fade in the sun, easy to wash.
Rack design false ceiling can be hidden or open. In the first case, a nearly smooth surface of the ceiling. In the second case, there is an opportunity to further experiment with color strips and decorate the ceiling. There is also the possibility of applying printing to tape.

New trends for false ceiling in the kitchen,false ceiling in kitchen,ideas false ceiling in  kitchen , designs for false ceiling in  kitchen,false ceiling designs in kitchen

New trends for false ceiling in the kitchen,false ceiling in kitchen,ideas false ceiling in  kitchen , designs for false ceiling in  kitchen,false ceiling designs in kitchen

Plasterboard ceilings

Device plaster suspended ceilings performed using CD and UD-profiles. It has all the advantages of suspended ceilings, but unlike cassettes and plates surface plaster ceiling needs additional plaster and decorative finishing (painting or wallpapering). Important point - at the device gypsum ceiling access to hidden communication will be impossible.

New trends for false ceiling in the kitchen,false ceiling in kitchen,ideas false ceiling in  kitchen , designs for false ceiling in  kitchen,false ceiling designs in kitchen

New trends for false ceiling in the kitchen,false ceiling in kitchen,ideas false ceiling in  kitchen , designs for false ceiling in  kitchen,false ceiling designs in kitchen

Multilevel ceilings

If the framework is done in the same plane, a single level of a suspended ceiling. Such ceilings should be used in small kitchens, as well as in rooms with low ceilings, where notable height differences and different levels significantly lower height of the room.
It is a pity to miss the opportunity to experiment with the design? You can go for a compromise. So popular today multilevel ceilings allow to save a few inches of space by reducing the height of the only places where it is necessary to carry out communication. Duplex ceilings perfectly help visually zoned kitchen. Moreover, they are very convenient to mount the embedded spot illumination.
When designing multi-level ceilings of plasterboard is possible to create an intricate surface of the curved shape. Designers are unanimous: If you use a different coating on the individual level of the ceiling, it's even better to emphasize his personality and improve the stylistic expression of the interior.

New trends for false ceiling in the kitchen,false ceiling in kitchen,ideas false ceiling in  kitchen , designs for false ceiling in  kitchen,false ceiling designs in kitchen

New trends for false ceiling in the kitchen,false ceiling in kitchen,ideas false ceiling in  kitchen , designs for false ceiling in  kitchen,false ceiling designs in kitchen

Design of false ceilings and zoning kitchen

If you want to create in your kitchen an elegant, practical and durable ceiling covering, it is false ceilings perfectly cope with this task. And in the device such ceilings opportunities in interior design are practically unlimited.

New trends for false ceiling in the kitchen,false ceiling in kitchen,ideas false ceiling in  kitchen , designs for false ceiling in  kitchen,false ceiling designs in kitchen

New trends for false ceiling in the kitchen,false ceiling in kitchen,ideas false ceiling in  kitchen , designs for false ceiling in  kitchen,false ceiling designs in kitchen

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