الخميس، 4 سبتمبر 2014

The best tips a false ceiling in kitchen

How to create false ceiling in kitchen and top tips for stylish kitchen and 7 reasons to make the kitchen ceiling

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If you plan to use in the kitchen suspended ceiling structures, it is necessary to know in advance about some of their features and nuances, in order to avoid unexpected expenses and possible disappointment. Read this article - whether to make a false ceiling in the kitchen, what features it has, what material is best to choose for the kitchen, expert advice and review of the manufacturer of suspended ceilings.

As a rule, a suspended ceiling structure consists of a frame and a plate that can be made of rigid or soft material. This may be plates, racks or panels of plastic, metal, mineral wool and other materials. Also suspended ceilings are and plaster ceilings. Instead of plates they use plasterboard.

Frame ceiling or a suspension system is a set of strips of metal. In this section of the rail has the form of the letter "T". Thanks to special fasteners all rail connected in one continuous modular lattice. All grill suspended from the ceiling on special strands, which in turn are attached to the ceiling on the dowels. Modular grille frame is divided into individual cells of standard size, into which the ceiling tiles. Along the perimeter of the ceiling is framed by decorative moldings.

7 reasons to make the kitchen ceiling

According to experts, harness design - a very decent option for finishing the kitchen ceiling, which has many advantages.
  1. For ceiling mounting is not required to perform complex training base surface. Hinged design easily hide any flaws, even the old ceiling in your kitchen, whether it's a crack, dirt, traces of leaks.
  2. As preparatory work does not need installation of ceiling does not require much effort.
  3. Attractive and neat appearance ceiling structure and opportunities for various design variations make the ceilings are very popular.
  4. Another compelling advantage - and the opportunity to hide in various communications zapotolochnom space. This is especially true for kitchens can not do without ventilation and various lighting products.
  5. The ability to place above the ceiling additional acoustic layer. Very important for those who have noisy neighbors from above.
  6. If necessary, the suspended ceiling are easy to dismantle. It is also possible to replace individual components of the ceiling without dismantling the overall structure.
  7. If zapotolochnom space placed communication, which need periodic access, then the suspended ceiling in most cases, you can easily make one or more boards and get to the relevant communications.

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